Q&A with Cara Galvin, Intermediate Camogie Captain

In advance of the Intermediate Camogie teams semi final on Sunday afternoon against Raheny we sat down with  Cara Galvin, Captain of team, to get to know her better.
There are some great insights here about player retention across the codes and about having fun from a young age – no so sure about the karaoke choice though!

We wish Cara and her team mates the best of luck. All support for the players and mentors welcomed. Throw in is at 12:30pm away in Raheny.


Favourite memory playing for St.Brigid’s at juvenile and adult level?
As a juvenile player winning regional féile in Abbotstown with the girls was huge. This is my fourth year now playing at adult level and winning u21s championship in 2021 is probably the best memory so far.
Earliest GAA memory?
I remember heading out to watch my brothers matches with my dad. We’d always get a hot chocolate for the sideline.
Favourite thing about Gaelic Games off the pitch?
100% the craic I have with the girls. We’re a very close team on and off the pitch.
Favourite position in GAA?
Midfield when I’m fit enough.. I also enjoy playing back.
Favourite GAA ground?
I always enjoy playing in the Abbotstown grounds.
What’s your favourite memory watching Dublin GAA, Ladies and/or Men’s teams?
I loved watching the Dublin football senior ladies win the all-Irelands last year. Particularly seeing our girls Ellen, Ashling and Rachel win.
What International Sports star would make the best GAA player?
I’d say Serena Williams would make a solid full-back.
What 3 people, alive or dead, would you invite to a dinner party and why?
I’d love to hear Angela Downey and Anna Geary talk about their advice and experiences on the pitch. I’d also have Joanne Mc Nally for some laughs.
What would you rule(s)would you like to introduce or amend to improve the GAA?
The ladies sector should have football and camogie weeks similar to the men’s. It’s tough on dual players playing two matches in a week.
What are your hobbies and interests outside the GAA?
I enjoy going on runs in the park. I also enjoy the odd hike and spending time with friends and family.
What’s the best piece of advice you ever received as a player?

‘Play every minute like it’s the last.’

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received when you were young?
‘Have fun and the rest will follow.’
What other sports have you played? Support any teams outside of the GAA?
I used to play a bit of tennis growing up but I kept hitting the balls out of the court though so they thought I was better off playing across the road with a hurl instead.
What’s your favourite memory of a coach from when you were a juvenile?
We had so many great coaches growing up. One memory that stands out for me is Lloyd Daly and Ronan Coffey buying us all ice cream after training in the summer months.
Favourite bit of advice to give to coaches helping at nursey or new to the GAA?
I think it’s important to keep players happy. If they aren’t happy when they’re out playing they won’t perform for you.
Most important aspect of the GAA for kids to learn at an early age?
The lifelong friends and community they’ll earn from sticking around. I think commitment is very important especially for girls. Encouragement and support helps to keep girls playing until adult level.
What’s your favourite TV Show?
I am enjoying watching The Perfect Couple on Netflix at the moment.
What’s your favourite Book?
I read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo recently, it was very good.
What’s your favourite movie?
A movie about Jesse Owens called Race.
What’s your favourite song and artist?

I am enjoying Amy Winehouse at them moment and I love the song Cinema by Benny Benassi.

What’s your karaoke song?
My karaoke song has to be Horse Outside by the Rubberbandits. Only if I’ve Aoife Coffey singing it with me though.
Hill 16 or the Hogan Stand?
Hill 16

Best of luck to Cara and her teammates this weekend.